Thursday, August 13, 2015

A New Pew, Same Familiar Spirit

I'm a military wife.  Well, I was a military wife, a regular civilian's wife, a student's wife, then a military wife and now I'm going to settle into being a reservist's wife/regular "civilian" employee's wife.  And all to one wonderful man, but that's not my point here.

My point is in these past almost 20 years of marriage we have moved about every 4 years.  This was the year of the move for our family and we are just settling after relocating our family halfway across the country.

Literally.  We went from the east coast to the southern middle of America.

With all this moving we have always been blessed with a place of worship that is associated with the fellowship of churches we belong to.  I'm never more grateful for this fellowship than when we've just moved.

This fellowship of churches follows a pattern that allows every congregation to be individual yet keeping within Biblical teachings.  With our churches following the same pattern of service and standards it makes it easier to move and settle into the new congregation.

I liken it to moving to a different state.  There are many things different in each locale, but the familiarity of being in America is still there.  When I drive down the road and see a Target or Wal-Mart I am comforted by the familiar.

So, while I lift my hands in worship with people I've just recently met, and listen to the preaching that is a style very different to anything I've heard thus far in our fellowship, I'm comforted that God is in this place.

It's a new pew with the same familiar spirit.  Glory!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Power of Praise

Life has kind of blindsided me in recent months.  It would not be totally fair to say none of it was deserved, but it's more like I knew something was wrong with the car and when I took it in I found out the problems were much worse than I expected.  

It's been quite the roller coaster ride of emotions, prayers, learning and growing.  

Last night in our praise and worship we sang a song with these words, "Oh, the blood of will never, never lose it's power."  

I've sang this song for years, but last night as I sang it hit me, "Yes! The blood of Jesus never loses it's power!  Hallelujah!".  I was reminded that God is still able to move in the hearts of men like he did before.  For some it may be a renewing of life and if the blood of Jesus never loses it's power it means He did it once, so he can do it again. 

My problems were not gone when the song ended, but my faith was renewed.  

I'm grateful for a church that believes in praise and worship at each service, because there is power in words that proclaim who God is and what He is able to do. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

You're Not Going to Die

Last night in our Wednesday evening service our pastor made this statement,  "You're not going to die from this, unless you allow it to kill you." 

What a good reminder that God has promised not to give us anything beyond what we can handle.  It's often our own minds that want to give up and think can not make it through. 

I was fine during the service -- no real mental struggles at that moment -- but when we got home I was made aware of someone's "dislike" for one of my kids. 

I was so upset, cried even, and found myself asking why kids can't be "good enough" as they are to be considered friends by their peers.  

It's one thing to not fit in at school because you're a Christian, it's another to feel rejected by your church "friends". 

This morning I'm reminded to keep my head in the game.  I can only pray for my kids and remember their teenage years will not kill them ... and I can't let it kill me either.