Thursday, January 15, 2015

You're Not Going to Die

Last night in our Wednesday evening service our pastor made this statement,  "You're not going to die from this, unless you allow it to kill you." 

What a good reminder that God has promised not to give us anything beyond what we can handle.  It's often our own minds that want to give up and think can not make it through. 

I was fine during the service -- no real mental struggles at that moment -- but when we got home I was made aware of someone's "dislike" for one of my kids. 

I was so upset, cried even, and found myself asking why kids can't be "good enough" as they are to be considered friends by their peers.  

It's one thing to not fit in at school because you're a Christian, it's another to feel rejected by your church "friends". 

This morning I'm reminded to keep my head in the game.  I can only pray for my kids and remember their teenage years will not kill them ... and I can't let it kill me either.  

Mary Simple Trusted

Let me count the number of times I wanted to pop on and share something I heard at church that ministered to me or was worth repeating over the last couple of months since I started this blog. 

Or not. 

Instead, let me say that I'm going to try and get better about making time to get on here and share as I originally intended, and not be worried that it has to be a long, eloquent piece of writing.  

For example, I could've pop on [as I had thought about doing] after our first Sunday in December and mentioned how I loved our pastor was beginning a few sermons based on pieces of the Christmas story. 

The first sermon he shared was how Mary was blessed because she simply trusted God.  She wasn't an especially holy woman, but a young girl who, when spoken to by the angel, decided that she would put her trust in what he said was true.  

God blessed her ability to trust Him and she became the mother of our Savior.  

I was encouraged that I need not be this great spiritual woman, but I simply need to put my trust in God.  He is in control and he will bless my faithfulness to trust and follow Him.