Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Power of Praise

Life has kind of blindsided me in recent months.  It would not be totally fair to say none of it was deserved, but it's more like I knew something was wrong with the car and when I took it in I found out the problems were much worse than I expected.  

It's been quite the roller coaster ride of emotions, prayers, learning and growing.  

Last night in our praise and worship we sang a song with these words, "Oh, the blood of will never, never lose it's power."  

I've sang this song for years, but last night as I sang it hit me, "Yes! The blood of Jesus never loses it's power!  Hallelujah!".  I was reminded that God is still able to move in the hearts of men like he did before.  For some it may be a renewing of life and if the blood of Jesus never loses it's power it means He did it once, so he can do it again. 

My problems were not gone when the song ended, but my faith was renewed.  

I'm grateful for a church that believes in praise and worship at each service, because there is power in words that proclaim who God is and what He is able to do.